Mark Ainley

Mark Ainley

Mark Ainley
Feng Shui Consultant

Contemporary Feng Shui Consultant Mark Ainley has been active with Feng Shui since 1996, when he first encountered the system upon moving to London from Tokyo. He took some basic training with an internationally known expert while in London, and in 2001 shifted from the traditional approach to a more contemporary style as he trained in Vancouver with Rhea Peake of ‘Enviromancy’.

He has since consulted and taught in Australia, Japan, Europe, and North America, with web clients in diverse locations ranging from Bali and Mexico to Qatar. In 2006 he curated an exhibit of Feng Shui-friendly contemporary art at Tokyo’s Galerie LeLe, and in 2008 was quoted in Hong Kong’s Elite Homes magazine. Mark’s clear explanations, practical approach, and friendly demeanour help his clients make powerful shifts in their home and work spaces and in their lives. He is currently based in Vancouver, BC.